Course - Details of Neuroleadership Program
Why Should You Opt For It?
- A detailed understanding of how and why employees and leaders behave in a certain manner, and where motivation comes from. This understanding is backed by Neuroscientific Research that has been validated across years.
- Realize what agitates people by understanding the biology behind it, and deal with situations effectively.
- Develop ease while presenting changes in the organization, and avoid friction between HR and employees.
- Develop an effective strategy for better communication in difficult situations.
- Create a bond of trust and safety in the organization by understanding how the brain works.
Course Content
- Importance of balance between cognitive and emotional dimensions in the workplace.
- Avoidance vs approach factors.
- Why change is perceived as threat- the biology behind it.
- The SCARF Model- learning to deal with change.
- Creating emotional understanding to develop positive working relationships.
- The art of building trusting relationships
- Default network vs control network and its applications in enhancing productivity and creativity.