Think Global Act Local
In today’s ever-changing, globalized work environment, companies are expanding their reach. They are welcoming employees from diverse cultures, from not only across the country but also across the world.
We at Indian Leadership Academy recognize this challenge and the need for our clients, potential customers and partners to deliver learning and training across different cultures and languages.
With this in mind, we are happy to announce that Indian Leadership Academy has now gone GLOCAL with the aim of delivering multilingual training’s to a global workforce!
We are not only delivering trainings for our clients in multiple local languages, but are also localizing content to suit diverse cultures for any given topic.
It is our belief that for holistic learning to happen learners seek to be addressed in their own languages and hence as a part of our “Localized learning for a Globalized Workforce Program” we have adopted the new process of conducting training’s and workshops to domestic and international audiences.
In the process we have localized our workshop/ training content for various topics to align with the cultural and regional differences to reach the specific audience.
Increased Efficiency and effectiveness in employees
Immersed training experience through personalisation across diverse work forces
Increased creativity through engagement with localized content
Improve customer engagement, productivity, employee retention, engagement and ultimately greater profits
Our trainers have successfully conducted training in more than 6 languages, namely, English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Bengali, and Malayalam across different cities of India and our participating members have expressed their complete satisfaction over our program modules, methodology, quality of training and our trainers.
Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi
Languages: English, Kannada
Languages: English, Hindi
Languages: English, Malayalam
Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali
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