Smart Networking for Leadership Development
If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go with others. The most successful people in the world, look for collaboration and build networks. Networking plays a pivotal role in leadership. Networking and building contacts are one of the boons that which leaders are blessed with. In a network there are people who you help and then there are also people who want to help you back. The best leaders are in fame today just because of their networking skills and contact. It’s not who you know, but who knows you. Networking is just like marketing, marketing yourself, your uniqueness and what you stand for. Behind a successful you, there will be many successful relationships. Networking is more of an art but there are some basic guidelines that govern them.
Networking Guidelines
- The “critical few” those are the people who matter. These are the top 20 in your contact list who matter the most to you; of course, professionally. Be very sure you are in constant touch and in good terms with them. These are the ones who matter most to your profession.
- Be a generous helping hand to anyone and everyone who genuinely needs assistance. This would not only earn you a grateful patron but also a worthy contact.
- Always make networks and contacts when you are not in need of them. This portrays a selfless picture in front of the person you are trying to be in touch with. People usually do not want someone hanging off their backs for favors, right in the first go.
- Try to be of help to the person you are trying to get into contact with. This will enhance your chances of connecting with him. If you are of some use to him, you are definitely going to land in their contact lists. If not, create a demand.
- One of the golden rules, in corporate networking is give before you ask. If you are of some assistance to them, offer them barter. This will have better chances of being a success.
- Think people, not positions. If you go for their position, they are going to block you off. Be subtle when you approach people and approach them on a personal level before getting down into business.
- Be genuine when it comes down to building relationships; always add a personal touch to any contact you land up with. This greatly enhances your credibility and your professional network as well.
- Know the people you are trying to connect with, research about them before approaching them. If you show interest towards them, they are likely to take interest in you.
- Be an avid listener and give valuable inputs. Be up to date with the affairs going on. Make the audience feel that u notice and you care and that the audience matters to you.
Some of the various methods of networking include:
- Volunteering
- Social-media networking
- Event management and planning
- Corporate meetings and get-togethers
- Online networking
We can always pick what suits us best. Some of us are comfortable more with face to face networking compared to online networking. However with people getting busier nowadays the online networking flatforms are getting more popularity and we should be open to use them. Personally I got benefited a lot with the linkedin platform. It’s a wonderful tool for professional networking. In face I must tell you as an entrepreneur 50% of my business came from linkedin. All it takes is 15 to 20 minutes everyday.
Its indeed a wonderful platform where we can easily get connected with people who have similar passion and interest and eventually that network would get you a lot of like minded individuals to collaborate with you on your future initiatives.
So keep exploring new possibilities to network as networking is the mantra for successful leaders and Leaders are always in a lookout to create and use networks to get people, information and resources for accelerated growth. As Leaders lets connect, collaborate and create.