How an unexpected encounter has set a high tone for my transformational path

Indian Leadership Academy

How an unexpected encounter has set a high tone for my transformational path.

Have you ever stumbled upon something that never existed in your world, but your encounter with it, made you realise, this is what you wanted all along? 

I would love to steal a moment of your life to share a very tiny nugget from mine, and I am humbled that you are going to humour me for the next few minutes! 

Well, becoming a Coach was that moment in my life, where I realised this is what I wanted to do all along. Coaching has contributed a great amount of transparency in the way I perceive people. A compassionate encounter with a person has been an underrated joy in my life in recent times. There are more moments I am grateful for than I crib about nowadays, holding myself accountable and anticipating my consequences can be announced as my new normal.

Working closely with people has always been something I have been inclined to, but never really found a ground, where stepping on it would pronounce stability. Coming from the field of architecture meant understanding the universe of design very closely, but being human-centric was the core I wanted to tap into. The gradual idea to warm up to the action of enabling people to architect their own lives brought me to the doorstep of personal development. “Expression” in all its avatars, is another way for me to understand breathing, and to play a small role in peoples lives where they get acquainted with their own form of expression and I happen to be a part of that experience with them, is what I find truly fulfilling. 


Becoming a coach has to do a lot with getting acquainted with oneself before even interacting with others in that setting. In a time where travelling outside is not the journey we take often these days, the journey I took inwards, was an insightful encounter with myself. Coaching is all about, unleashing and unravelling yourself to a point that equips you to aid others in their transformational journey. 

And this little nugget is something I want to start cultivating as a habit and a way of life. 

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